The term "school" will mean the high school that invites WSU to conduct an Onsite Review event.
The term "WSU Coordinator" will mean the primary contact at WSU who will work directly with the school to organize, develop, and execute the Onsite Review program. "WSU Representatives" will be the WSU staff assisting with the event.
The school will need to appoint a planning committee to carry out the responsibilities listed below. One school representative, such as the career specialist or a counselor should serve as the liaison to work with WSU in planning the event. The school liaison is expected to work with the planning committee to carry out the following:
- School planning committee will meet at least twice with WSU Coordinator.
- Advertise the Onsite Review event to school administrators, teachers, staff, and students at least 30 days in advance. The school is expected to advertise this event in a big way! All teachers, staff, and students should be expecting and well prepared for the Onsite Review program.
- Assign rooms for individual appointments and advising the day of the event.
- Provide Internet access in every room and additional equipment as requested by the WSU coordinator.
- Reserve parking for WSU representatives and provide driving/parking directions.
- Reserve a room for WSU representatives for review of applications the morning of the event.
- Copy and distribute the following information to students participating in the event: Onsite Review informational fliers, personalized invitations to students invited to participate in the program, appointment times/locations, missing applications items notices.
- Work with the WSU coordinator to provide student documents and information as requested.
- Conduct sign-ups for the event at least one month prior to the selected date. It is the school's responsibility to work with the WSU coordinator to provide updates on numbers and students choosing to participate.
- School will follow the Onsite Review schedule outline as closely as possible. Major changes to the schedule will need to be approved by the WSU Coordinator. If you have questions regarding the schedule, please contact the WSU Coordinator.)
- Set a location for the luncheon reception. Get approximate RSVP number and help plan the meal.
- Contact all high school personnel who are WSU alumni and invite them to attend the celebration luncheon.
- Following the event, complete a brief evaluation and provide any constructive feedback to help improve the Onsite Review program for the future.
All reviews and decisions will be completed a week prior to the event. There will be no day-of registrations.