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WSU Coordinator Expectations

Onsite Admissions

The following list outlines the actions that need to be taken on the part of the WSU Coordinator to execute the Onsite Review program. The list is generalized and the team lead may need to take on more or less depending on their program.

  • Plan at least two meetings prior to the Onsite Review with the school’s planning committee.
  • Compile information on participant numbers.
  • Create a program schedule for the day.
  • Provide individual admissions and scholarship advising.
  • Host an application assistance event prior to the Onsite Review Event.
  • Provide all Onsite Review documents: certificates, fliers, sign-up sheet, and sample marketing pieces.
  • Provide food and decorations for luncheon celebration for all admitted WSU students at participating school.
WSU Coordinator Expectations
Onsite Admissions